

hvoss provides information, guidance and support to volunteers, charities, voluntary and community groups in Herefordshire. All these organisations deliver public benefit and are not for profit. hvoss is locally accountable to them through their membership of hvoss. Their vision is a vibrant and active local voluntary and community sector.

We develop constructive commissioning arrangements and partnership working between our members and others seeking to positively support community life in the county.


Hope Centre Logo

All of what we do at Hope has a common theme of connecting the community. That’s not just connecting with us; we are a place where people can meet with others, develop new friendships and share things with others that are in similar situations and positions.  We know from what we are told that this gives great comfort and strength and helps because people don’t feel alone.

Our overall aim is to ensure that everyone is welcome and included. We treat people equally and with respect and offer a safe and discreet place where people can come without a label or any stigma.  We work closely with other local agencies and organisations to provide everyone with a way to get the help or support they need whether that is at Hope or elsewhere.


Over 60s lunch club, weekly
In October we launched our Over 60s lunch club.  Every Wednesday we reserve the café and welcome 40 people to enjoy a freshly cooked meal and pudding.

Meal deliveries
Every week we deliver a freshly prepared lunch to those who are finding it hard to get out, struggling financially or unable to manage.  This is not only an opportunity for a nice lunch but is a way we can offer door step support and have a chat and get to know more people in the community. For many it’s an opportunity for a chat and catch up and helps them feel less isolated.

Groups and events
Every week we have things going on from celebrating events like World Book Day, Pancake Day and Easter and Hallowe’en celebrations for the community. We run two groups a week for parents/children at the Centre and in the town.  At all of our events there is an element of support and information and activities. All of these are delivered by qualified staff with a background and extensive experience in the work they do.

We have parenting courses on site that run throughout the year and have strong connections with Health and Education via the Health visiting teams,

the local authority and midwifery. All of this provides a wraparound service and access to information and support.

Once a month we have an Afternoon Tea for the over 60s and on Mondays our Afternoon Club for the over 60s is a time to socialise and play cards and  come together at our Community Café.

Mental Health, domestic abuse, finance and other areas of support
One of our newest projects has enabled us to provide much needed support to the local community and was started last year with Lottery funding over 3 years for new services.  It is about helping people with access and support with a variety of issues.  According to our data, most people are experiencing at least two of the above and since May 2021 we have given over 1650 pieces of advice, guidance, signposting and have worked with over 500 households.  The areas of work that we have focused on are borne out of the needs emerging from the households and people that come and see us: the most common problems people are telling us about are mental health, finance, domestic abuse and isolation and loneliness.  We have a partnership with Citizens Advice who are on site and offer appointments about debt, money and budgeting and benefits and Age UK is also at the Centre every week to offer support.  We have access to counselling and other services that can help with the above.

For more information, please contact the Hope Centre directly 01885 488495 and [email protected]