Make a Change Become a Councillor
Are you passionate about your community? Do you want to help make a long-lasting change? Do you have innovative ideas for the council?
Do you have concerns about a specific issue and want to do something about it? If this is you, then we need you. We need people from all backgrounds and experiences who reflect their community to put themselves forward for election. Make a change and become a councillor.
Who can become a Town Councillor
Eligibility Criteria
To qualify for election as a town councillor, and to hold this position, you must be:
A British, Irish or qualifying Commonwealth citizen, or a citizen of any other member state of the European Union and on the relevant day (the day of nomination or election) have reached 18 years of age or over. They must also meet at least one of these four qualifications:
- on the relevant day and thereafter they continue to be on the electoral register for the Parish
- during the whole of the twelve months before that day, they have owned or tenanted land or premises in the parish
- during the whole of the twelve months before that day their principal or only place of work has been in the parish
- during the whole of the twelve months before that day, they have lived in the parish or within 4.8km (3 miles) of the parish boundary.
You may be disqualified from standing (or being co-opted), if you are a paid officer or employee of that parish, have had bankruptcy restriction orders made against you or you have a previous criminal conviction with a prison sentence of three months or more.
If you are in any doubt whether you would be able to stand for election please contact:
Tel: Electoral Services on 01432 260107
Email: [email protected] or visit the Electoral Commission website for more information.