Have your say on the Draft Herefordshire Local Plan (Regulation 18)
Herefordshire Council is now consulting on the draft Herefordshire Local Plan (Regulation 18). The consultation runs from 25 March 2024 until 20 May 2024.
Introduction to the Local Plan review
The government requires all councils to revisit their Local Plan every five years and Herefordshire Council is in the process of updating the current Herefordshire Core Strategy, which was adopted in October 2015.
The Local Plan 2021- 2041 will set out the planning framework for the county for the period to 2041 and will cover issues such as housing provision, the economy, retail and town centres, infrastructure provision and the environment. It will also set out policies by which planning applications will be determined, in addition to allocation land for housing, employment and other uses.
Click on the black box below to have your say on the local plan.
Local Transport Plan Consultation
Have your say on your priorities for improving transport services in Herefordshire. 25 March to 21 May 2024.
About the Local Transport Plan
Herefordshire Council is currently in the early stages of developing a new Local Transport Plan (LTP) for the county.
The LTP sets out what, where and how the County Council intends to invest in transport in Herefordshire. Herefordshire Council is looking to tackle existing and future transport challenges. The plan will cover the period from 2024 to 2041.
We expect to complete the final plan during the 2024/25 financial year.
Have your say
We are encouraging everyone who would like to get involved to undertake a short online survey, which should take less than 10 minutes to complete.
Click on the black box below to have your say on the LTP.