
Councillor Mark Franklin was elected to serve as Town Mayor at the Annual Meeting of the Town Council on 20 May 2024 for the civic year 2024/25. Councillor Franklin is the 20th Mayor and Chair of the Council.

Councillor Clare Davies was elected Deputy Chair of the Council at the same meeting and will support the Mayor as his Deputy.

The Mayor, originally from Burton-on-Trent, moved to Herefordshire in 1983 and has lived in Bromyard since 1990. His wife, Jenny, the current Mayoress, was born in Bromyard. The Mayor’s working life, from which he retired in 2013, was as a Chartered Accountant working primarily in industry. He is a churchwarden and a Local Worship Leader at St. Peter’s Church in Bromyard and also a governor of the Three Counties Academy Trust whose schools include the Queen Elizabeth High School and St. Peter’s Primary School.

Councillor Franklin became a Councillor in 2017 and has served as Chair of Finance from 2018 to date. He served as Deputy Mayor from 2022 to 2024, supporting Councillor Dunne-Thomas. His chosen charities for 2024-25 are Cancer Research UK and St. Michael’s Hospice.

On being installed as Mayor, Councillor Franklin said “It is an honour to be elected as Mayor of Bromyard and Winslow Town Council and I thank all my colleagues for their confidence in me.  I will do my best, with the support of my fellow Councillors, Council Officers and Staff, and my wife, the Mayoress, to represent and promote Bromyard and Winslow and to serve its people to the best of my ability”.

Profile Photo By Rc

Town Mayor, Councillor Mark Franklin.

Cllr Franklin And Davies

Town Mayor, Councillor Mark Franklin and
his Deputy, Councillor Clare Davies.



Inviting the Mayor to Attend Your Event

Inviting the Mayor to Attend Your Event

The Mayor is delighted to receive invitations from local organisations to attend functions and fundraising events. The Mayor also represents Bromyard at functions outside the town.

If you or your organisation would like to invite the Mayor to a function, please download and complete an invitation form 

When introducing the Mayor at your event, please address him as “Town Mayor of Bromyard, Mark Franklin”.

If the Mayor is unable to attend your event, you may wish to invite the Deputy Mayor, Cllr, Clare Davies to attend.